The 10 Most Commonly Used Nursing Phrases

Following up with the Top 10 Reasons for Becoming a Nurse, now that you've decided to go down the path of a self-less job that doesn't get any respect - you'll need to know some of the more commonly used terminology in the nursing industry.

1. "No, really, I don't mind changing the TV channel for you. Again."
2. "I'm sorry, it's not THAT kind of Tylenol."
3. "You won't feel a thing."
4. "Because your doctor said so."
5. "This won't hurt a bit."
6. "I swear, if that patient rings the call bell one more time."
7. "No, I will NOT give you a sponge bath (to patients perfectly capable of doing it themselves)!"
8. "Your gonna feel a little stick."
9. "How can I help you?" (no less than a MILLION times a shift!)
10. "Doctor, I'm sorry to wake you, but." (this one is okay by us)

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